Ask Kenneth Burgess
St. Arbor Slough Lodge
This beautiful 2464 Sq Ft Lodge with 10 acres has all the amenities one could need and many more. With 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, this lodge is equipped to sleep several guests. A side theatre room, bar area upstairs, kitchen inside, and an outdoor cooking area, this lodge is ready to entertain guests. Would serve as an excellent bed and breakfast, a little Air BnB, your own little getaway, small wedding venue, an upscale hunting camp, the amount of things one can do here are endless.Seamless metal roof, custom wood work on the inside, custom masonry inside and out, this lodge is built to impress, relax, and enjoy. No corners were cut in the development of this lodge. A surround sound speaker system is wired throughout the whole lodge leaving you the ability to listen to music anywhere you go.Climb up the 80 ft watchtower that offers a fantastic view that will allow you to see for miles around. Mayfield Creek is nearby and it is loaded with wildlife. Multiple levels will allow for prime viewing of local wildlife during certain times of the day or year from the watchtower. The lodge comes with a pond that is stocked with catfish, bluegill, and largemouth bass. There are up to 140 additional acres for purchase that is prime turkey, deer, and duck habitat with a reputation of being a spot to hunt.